[翻译]Sol - 从零开始的MQTT broker - 第六部分:处理器

原文 Sol - An MQTT broker from scratch. Part 6 - Handlers

这一部分我们会重点关注 处理器(handler) 的实现,每种处理器用来处理一种对应的MQTT包。就像我们在第四部分中已经描述的,我们把处理器放在一个固定长度的数组里,每个处理器的索引恰好是包的MQTT类型。



#include "trie.h" #include "list.h" #include "hashtable.h" struct topic { const char *name; List *subscribers; }; // sol的主体结构, 服务器运行时会产生一个全局实例 // 包括了所有连接的客户端、闭包和主题树 struct sol { HashTable *clients; HashTable *closures; Trie topics; }; // 在客户端中使用的session, 保存该客户端订阅的所有主题 struct session { List *subscriptions; // TODO add pending confirmed messages }; // 客户端包装 struct sol_client { char *client_id; int fd; struct session session; }; // 将客户端包装成订阅者, 之后由主题保存订阅者列表 struct subscriber { unsigned qos; struct sol_client *client; }; // 主题创建、订阅发布的一系列方法 struct topic *topic_create(const char *); void topic_init(struct topic *, const char *); void topic_add_subscriber(struct topic *, struct sol_client *, unsigned, bool); void topic_del_subscriber(struct topic *, struct sol_client *, bool); void sol_topic_put(struct sol *, struct topic *); void sol_topic_del(struct sol *, const char *); // 通过主题名称获得主题 struct topic *sol_topic_get(struct sol *, const char *);


  • 客户端(client)结构体,用来表示已经建立连接的客户端
  • 主题(topic)结构体
  • 订阅者(subscriber)结构体
  • 会话结(session)构体,表示客户端持有的会话,仅当 clean session 选项为 false 时生效
  • sol结构体,全局运行实例,用来持有上述的所有内容
  • 一些方便的辅助函数


#include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "core.h" // 传入两个订阅者, 比较其客户端id static int compare_cid(void *c1, void *c2) { return strcmp(((struct subscriber *) c1)->client->client_id, ((struct subscriber *) c2)->client->client_id); } // 创建一个topic对象 struct topic *topic_create(const char *name) { struct topic *t = malloc(sizeof(*t)); topic_init(t, name); return t; } void topic_init(struct topic *t, const char *name) { t->name = name; t->subscribers = list_create(NULL); } // 向主题对象内添加一个订阅者 void topic_add_subscriber(struct topic *t, struct sol_client *client, unsigned qos, bool cleansession) { struct subscriber *sub = malloc(sizeof(*sub)); sub->client = client; sub->qos = qos; t->subscribers = list_push(t->subscribers, sub); // 如果cleansession置为false,必须将此订阅加入会话 if (!cleansession) client->session.subscriptions = list_push(client->session.subscriptions, t); } // 主题取消客户端订阅 void topic_del_subscriber(struct topic *t, struct sol_client *client, bool cleansession) { list_remove_node(t->subscribers, client, compare_cid); // TODO remomve in case of cleansession == false } // 向sol设置主题 void sol_topic_put(struct sol *sol, struct topic *t) { trie_insert(&sol->topics, t->name, t); } // 向sol删除主题 void sol_topic_del(struct sol *sol, const char *name) { trie_delete(&sol->topics, name); } // 查询获得一个主题 struct topic *sol_topic_get(struct sol *sol, const char *name) { struct topic *ret_topic; trie_find(&sol->topics, name, (void *) &ret_topic); return ret_topic; }


处理器(Handlers) 是一系列会在 on_read 中被执行的回调函数,就像他们的名称暗示的一样,他们负责处理客户端输入的数据,之后他们选择性的创建或不创建一个回复数据,并且返回一个指示下一步应该如何处理的返回值。返回值可以是:

  • REARM_W,表示将下一个触发函数设置为 on_write,并提供需要发送到客户端的数据
  • REARM_R,表示没有需要回复客户端的数据,可以继续将触发函数重置为 on_read,继续等待客户端数据
  • -REARM_W,这个状态码没有被协议定义,我们在这里用来表示客户端断开链接或者故障发生


按照顺序,我们先来实现 connect_handler,顾名思义,他用来处理客户端完成TCP链接之后发来的第一个数据包,也就是 CONNECT 包。

static int connect_handler(struct closure *cb, union mqtt_packet *pkt) { // 当一个已存在的客户端又发送了 CONNECT 包, 被视为违背协议 // 因此断开链接 if (hashtable_exists(sol.clients, (const char *) pkt->connect.payload.client_id)) { sol_info("Received double CONNECT from %s, disconnecting client", pkt->connect.payload.client_id); // 关闭链接, 释放资源 close(cb->fd); // 哈希表删除时的回调会负责销毁 client 或者 cb hashtable_del(sol.clients, (const char *) pkt->connect.payload.client_id); hashtable_del(sol.closures, cb->closure_id); // 更新状态 info.nclients--; info.nconnections--; return -REARM_W; } sol_info("New client connected as %s (c%i, k%u)", pkt->connect.payload.client_id, pkt->connect.bits.clean_session, pkt->connect.payload.keepalive); // 添加新链接 struct sol_client *new_client = malloc(sizeof(*new_client)); new_client->fd = cb->fd; // 由客户端保证cid的唯一性, 比如可以用mac地址 const char *cid = (const char *) pkt->connect.payload.client_id; new_client->client_id = strdup(cid); hashtable_put(sol.clients, cid, new_client); // 将 clinet 绑定到闭包 cb->obj = new_client; // 使用 CONNACK回复 union mqtt_packet *response = malloc(sizeof(*response)); // 高位赋值 unsigned char byte = CONNACK_BYTE; // clean_session == false 表示此链接支持保存 session if (pkt->connect.bits.clean_session == false) // 所以需要在会话中初始化订阅列表 new_client->session.subscriptions = list_create(NULL); // TODO 处理确实存在session的情况 // 这里暂时是简单的返回 session 不存在 unsigned char session_present = 0; unsigned char connect_flags = 0 | (session_present & 0x1) << 0; unsigned char rc = 0; // 返回 0 表示接收链接 // 完成组包 response->connack = *mqtt_packet_connack(byte, connect_flags, rc); // 包编码成数据流 cb->payload = bytestring_create(MQTT_ACK_LEN); unsigned char *p = pack_mqtt_packet(response, CONNACK); memcpy(cb->payload->data, p, MQTT_ACK_LEN); free(p); sol_debug("Sending CONNACK to %s (%u, %u)", pkt->connect.payload.client_id, session_present, rc); free(response); // 标记之后发送 return REARM_W; }

我们严格按照协议规范实现了处理器行为,除了 clean session 标识的处理,对于有会话的客户端该如何重连这件事我们暂时忽略了。如果一个客户端传入了两次 CONNECT,按照协议规范我们会断开他的链接。正常情况下我们会记录客户端,制作一个 CONNACK 数据流,并且返回 REARM_W,让 on_write 可以把我们的数据流发送回客户端。



static int disconnect_handler(struct closure *cb, union mqtt_packet *pkt) { // 获得客户端 struct sol_client *c = cb->obj; // 执行删除动作 sol_debug("Received DISCONNECT from %s", c->client_id); close(c->fd); hashtable_del(sol.clients, c->client_id); hashtable_del(sol.closures, cb->closure_id); // 跟新状态 info.nclients--; info.nconnections--; // TODO 在该客户端订阅的所有主题中删除对其的引用 return -REARM_W; }

我们做了最简单的处理:日志记录、关闭 fd、从哈希表中删除、更新信息,然后返回一个负值。


SUBSCRIBE 的处理器则是一个更加有意思的操作,在这里我们需要用到我们的 特里树,大概流程如下:

  • 迭代传入的主题元组(包括 tpoic,QoS),对每一个主题进行如下操作:
    • 如果主题不存在,我们创建该主题
    • 将客户端加入该主题的订阅者列表
    • 如果主题以 # 结尾,我们需要让客户端订阅该主题以及该主题所有的下级节点,由于特里树的数据结构设计,这个操作可以轻松的递归处理
    • 如果 clean_session 标识的值为 false,我们需要给客户端添加一个会话,这里我们还没有完全实现
  • 使用 SUBACK 回应

UNSUBSCRIBE 中也没有什么意外,只要在主题中删除客户端,然后使用 UNSUBACK 回应即可。

// 用递归方式来订阅一个节点所有子节点的辅助函数 static void recursive_subscription(struct trie_node *node, void *arg) { if (!node || !node->data) return; struct list_node *child = node->children->head; for (; child; child = child->next) recursive_subscription(child->data, arg); struct topic *t = node->data; struct subscriber *s = arg; t->subscribers = list_push(t->subscribers, s); } // SUBSCRIBE 处理器 static int subscribe_handler(struct closure *cb, union mqtt_packet *pkt) { struct sol_client *c = cb->obj; bool wildcard = false; // 标记是否通配 bool alloced = false; // 表示有新 malloc 的string, 用完需要释放 // 在 SUBACK 中使用和 SUB 同样的主题顺序回复的 QoS List unsigned char rcs[pkt->subscribe.tuples_len]; // SUBSCRIBE 包含了主题和QoS的列表, 此处循环处理 for (unsigned i = 0; i < pkt->subscribe.tuples_len; i++) { sol_debug("Received SUBSCRIBE from %s", c->client_id); // 获得单个元组的主题字符串和QoS char *topic = (char *) pkt->subscribe.tuples[i].topic; sol_debug("\t%s (QoS %i)", topic, pkt->subscribe.tuples[i].qos); // 当使用 /# 结尾时, 标记通配 if (topic[pkt->subscribe.tuples[i].topic_len - 1] == '#' && topic[pkt->subscribe.tuples[i].topic_len - 2] == '/') { topic = remove_occur(topic, '#'); wildcard = true; } else if (topic[pkt->subscribe.tuples[i].topic_len - 1] != '/') { // 如果不以 / 结尾, 添加 / topic = append_string((char *) pkt->subscribe.tuples[i].topic, "/", 1); alloced = true; } // 通过 topic 字符串找到对象 struct topic *t = sol_topic_get(&sol, topic); // 当没有找到对象时, 创建并添加到特里树 if (!t) { t = topic_create(strdup(topic)); sol_topic_put(&sol, t); } else if (wildcard == true) { struct subscriber *sub = malloc(sizeof(*sub)); sub->client = cb->obj; sub->qos = pkt->subscribe.tuples[i].qos; // 让该节点和所有子节点都拥有表示此客户端的 subscriber trie_prefix_map_tuple(&sol.topics, topic, recursive_subscription, sub); } // 暂时都使用 cleansession = true // 译者觉得在通配符的情况下这里会到这 topic 对应的节点产生两个 subscriber topic_add_subscriber(t, cb->obj, pkt->subscribe.tuples[i].qos, true); if (alloced) free(topic); rcs[i] = pkt->subscribe.tuples[i].qos; } // 制作 suback struct mqtt_suback *suback = mqtt_packet_suback(SUBACK_BYTE, pkt->subscribe.pkt_id, rcs, pkt->subscribe.tuples_len); // 复用pkt mqtt_packet_release(pkt, SUBSCRIBE); pkt->suback = *suback; // 制作数据流并发出 unsigned char *packed = pack_mqtt_packet(pkt, SUBACK); size_t len = MQTT_HEADER_LEN + sizeof(uint16_t) + pkt->subscribe.tuples_len; cb->payload = bytestring_create(len); memcpy(cb->payload->data, packed, len); free(packed); mqtt_packet_release(pkt, SUBACK); free(suback); sol_debug("Sending SUBACK to %s", c->client_id); return REARM_W; } // UNSUBSCRIBE 处理器 这里没做实际处理, 只是正确回复ACK static int unsubscribe_handler(struct closure *cb, union mqtt_packet *pkt) { struct sol_client *c = cb->obj; sol_debug("Received UNSUBSCRIBE from %s", c->client_id); pkt->ack = *mqtt_packet_ack(UNSUBACK_BYTE, pkt->unsubscribe.pkt_id); unsigned char *packed = pack_mqtt_packet(pkt, UNSUBACK); cb->payload = bytestring_create(MQTT_ACK_LEN); memcpy(cb->payload->data, packed, MQTT_ACK_LEN); free(packed); sol_debug("Sending UNSUBACK to %s", c->client_id); return REARM_W; }


PUBLISH 处理器会比我们前面写的几个内容多一些,但是十分好理解:

  • 如果发布的主题不存在, 则创建
  • 基于消息的 QoS 设置,使用正确的 ACK 回复:
    • QoS0:至多一次,不回复
    • QoS1:至少一次,使用 PUBACK 回复
    • QoS2:确保一次,使用 PUBREC 回复
  • 向该主题的订阅者转发该消息,转发的 QoS 值应该是由消息的 QoS 决定,但不能大于接收方设置的最大 QoS 值

Broker 接收一条 QoS2 的消息,并向 QoS1 的订阅者转发

// PUBLISH 处理器 static int publish_handler(struct closure *cb, union mqtt_packet *pkt) { struct sol_client *c = cb->obj; sol_debug("Received PUBLISH from %s (d%i, q%u, r%i, m%u, %s, ... (%i bytes))", c->client_id, pkt->publish.header.bits.dup, pkt->publish.header.bits.qos, pkt->publish.header.bits.retain, pkt->publish.pkt_id, pkt->publish.topic, pkt->publish.payloadlen); // 数据记录 info.messages_recv++; char *topic = (char *) pkt->publish.topic; bool alloced = false; // 标记字符串空间是分配的 unsigned char qos = pkt->publish.header.bits.qos; // 保证所有的主题都是用 / 结尾 if (topic[pkt->publish.topiclen - 1] != '/') { topic = append_string((char *) pkt->publish.topic, "/", 1); alloced = true; } // 获得或创建基于该 kye 的 topic 对象 struct topic *t = sol_topic_get(&sol, topic); if (!t) { t = topic_create(strdup(topic)); sol_topic_put(&sol, t); } if (alloced == true) free(topic); size_t publen; unsigned char *pub; struct list_node *cur = t->subscribers->head; for (; cur; cur = cur->next) { publen = MQTT_HEADER_LEN + sizeof(uint16_t) + pkt->publish.topiclen + pkt->publish.payloadlen; struct subscriber *sub = cur->data; struct sol_client *sc = sub->client; // 将 QoS 设置为订阅者的 QoS (此处为方便设计,并未完全遵循协议) pkt->publish.header.bits.qos = sub->qos; if (pkt->publish.header.bits.qos > AT_MOST_ONCE) publen += sizeof(uint16_t); int remaininglen_offset = 0; if ((publen - 1) > 0x200000) remaininglen_offset = 3; else if ((publen - 1) > 0x4000) remaininglen_offset = 2; else if ((publen - 1) > 0x80) remaininglen_offset = 1; publen += remaininglen_offset; // 发送给该订阅者的 PUB 包 pub = pack_mqtt_packet(pkt, PUBLISH); ssize_t sent; if ((sent = send_bytes(sc->fd, pub, publen)) < 0) sol_error("Error publishing to %s: %s", sc->client_id, strerror(errno)); // 记录信息 info.bytes_sent += sent; sol_debug("Sending PUBLISH to %s (d%i, q%u, r%i, m%u, %s, ... (%i bytes))", sc->client_id, pkt->publish.header.bits.dup, pkt->publish.header.bits.qos, pkt->publish.header.bits.retain, pkt->publish.pkt_id, pkt->publish.topic, pkt->publish.payloadlen); info.messages_sent++; free(pub); } // 至少一次 使用ACK回复 if (qos == AT_LEAST_ONCE) { mqtt_puback *puback = mqtt_packet_ack(PUBACK_BYTE, pkt->publish.pkt_id); mqtt_packet_release(pkt, PUBLISH); pkt->ack = *puback; unsigned char *packed = pack_mqtt_packet(pkt, PUBACK); cb->payload = bytestring_create(MQTT_ACK_LEN); memcpy(cb->payload->data, packed, MQTT_ACK_LEN); free(packed); sol_debug("Sending PUBACK to %s", c->client_id); return REARM_W; } else if (qos == EXACTLY_ONCE) { // 确保一次 使用 PUBREC 回复 // TODO 需要通过一个哈希表记录已经处于 PUBREC 状态的客户端+包id mqtt_pubrec *pubrec = mqtt_packet_ack(PUBREC_BYTE, pkt->publish.pkt_id); mqtt_packet_release(pkt, PUBLISH); pkt->ack = *pubrec; unsigned char *packed = pack_mqtt_packet(pkt, PUBREC); cb->payload = bytestring_create(MQTT_ACK_LEN); memcpy(cb->payload->data, packed, MQTT_ACK_LEN); free(packed); sol_debug("Sending PUBREC to %s", c->client_id); return REARM_W; } // 至多一次 无需回复 mqtt_packet_release(pkt, PUBLISH); return REARM_R; }


只剩下 ACK 处理器了,他们基本上都是一样的。现在我们只做基本的日志和回复,以后我们再来实现基于 QoS 的业务机制。

还有 PINGREQ 处理器,这是客户端用来确认链接状态的心跳报文,我们只需要用 PINGRESP 回复即可。

// PUBACK 处理器 static int puback_handler(struct closure *cb, union mqtt_packet *pkt) { sol_debug("Received PUBACK from %s", ((struct sol_client *) cb->obj)->client_id); // TODO 基于QoS机制, 将该数据移出需重传列表 return REARM_R; } // PUBREC 处理器 static int pubrec_handler(struct closure *cb, union mqtt_packet *pkt) { struct sol_client *c = cb->obj; sol_debug("Received PUBREC from %s", c->client_id); // 按照协议使用 RELEASE 回复 RECIVE mqtt_pubrel *pubrel = mqtt_packet_ack(PUBREL_BYTE, pkt->publish.pkt_id); pkt->ack = *pubrel; unsigned char *packed = pack_mqtt_packet(pkt, PUBREC); cb->payload = bytestring_create(MQTT_ACK_LEN); memcpy(cb->payload->data, packed, MQTT_ACK_LEN); free(packed); sol_debug("Sending PUBREL to %s", c->client_id); return REARM_W; } // PUBREL 处理器 static int pubrel_handler(struct closure *cb, union mqtt_packet *pkt) { sol_debug("Received PUBREL from %s", ((struct sol_client *) cb->obj)->client_id); // 按照协议使用 COMPLETE 回复 RELEASE mqtt_pubcomp *pubcomp = mqtt_packet_ack(PUBCOMP_BYTE, pkt->publish.pkt_id); pkt->ack = *pubcomp; unsigned char *packed = pack_mqtt_packet(pkt, PUBCOMP); cb->payload = bytestring_create(MQTT_ACK_LEN); memcpy(cb->payload->data, packed, MQTT_ACK_LEN); free(packed); sol_debug("Sending PUBCOMP to %s", ((struct sol_client *) cb->obj)->client_id); return REARM_W; } // PUBCOMP 处理器 static int pubcomp_handler(struct closure *cb, union mqtt_packet *pkt) { sol_debug("Received PUBCOMP from %s", ((struct sol_client *) cb->obj)->client_id); // TODO 基于 QoS 机制将其从待确认列表移出 return REARM_R; } // PINGREQ 处理器 static int pingreq_handler(struct closure *cb, union mqtt_packet *pkt) { sol_debug("Received PINGREQ from %s", ((struct sol_client *) cb->obj)->client_id); // 按照协议使用 PINGRESP 回复 pkt->header = *mqtt_packet_header(PINGRESP_BYTE); unsigned char *packed = pack_mqtt_packet(pkt, PINGRESP); cb->payload = bytestring_create(MQTT_HEADER_LEN); memcpy(cb->payload->data, packed, MQTT_HEADER_LEN); free(packed); sol_debug("Sending PINGRESP to %s", ((struct sol_client *) cb->obj)->client_id); return REARM_W; }

现在我们的 broker 已经具有基本的功能,很快就可以和其他的 MQTT 工具联调测试,例如使用 mosquitto_submosquitto_pub 或 Python 中的 paho-mqtt




# Sol configuration file, uncomment and edit desired configuration # Network configuration # Uncomment ip_address and ip_port to set socket family to TCP, if unix_socket # is set, UNIX family socket will be used # ip_address # ip_port 9090 unix_socket /tmp/sol.sock # Logging configuration # Could be either DEBUG, INFO/INFORMATION, WARNING, ERROR log_level DEBUG log_path /tmp/sol.log # Max memory to be used, after which the system starts to reclaim memory by # freeing older items stored max_memory 2GB # Max memory that will be allocated for each request max_request_size 50MB # TCP backlog, size of the complete connection queue tcp_backlog 128 # Interval of time between one stats publish on $SOL topics and the subsequent stats_publish_interval 10s


#include <stdio.h> // 默认参数 #define VERSION "0.0.1" #define DEFAULT_SOCKET_FAMILY INET #define DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL DEBUG #define DEFAULT_LOG_PATH "/tmp/sol.log" #define DEFAULT_CONF_PATH "/etc/sol/sol.conf" #define DEFAULT_HOSTNAME "" #define DEFAULT_PORT "1883" #define DEFAULT_MAX_MEMORY "2GB" #define DEFAULT_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE "2MB" #define DEFAULT_STATS_INTERVAL "10s" struct config { /* Sol version <MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH> */ const char *version; /* Eventfd to break the epoll_wait loop in case of signals */ int run; /* Logging level, to be set by reading configuration */ int loglevel; /* Epoll wait timeout, define even the number of times per second that the system will check for expired keys */ int epoll_timeout; /* Socket family (Unix domain or TCP) */ int socket_family; /* Log file path */ char logpath[0xFF]; /* Hostname to listen on */ char hostname[0xFF]; /* Port to open while listening, only if socket_family is INET, * otherwise it's ignored */ char port[0xFF]; /* Max memory to be used, after which the system starts to reclaim back by * freeing older items stored */ size_t max_memory; /* Max memory request can allocate */ size_t max_request_size; /* TCP backlog size */ int tcp_backlog; /* Delay between every automatic publish of broker stats on topic */ size_t stats_pub_interval; }; // 全局配置对象 extern struct config *conf; void config_set_default(void); void config_print(void); int config_load(const char *); char *time_to_string(size_t); char *memory_to_string(size_t);




#include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/eventfd.h> #include "util.h" #include "config.h" #include "network.h" // 全局对象 static struct config config; struct config *conf; struct llevel { const char *lname; int loglevel; }; static const struct llevel lmap[5] = { {"DEBUG", DEBUG}, {"WARNING", WARNING}, {"ERROR", ERROR}, {"INFO", INFORMATION}, {"INFORMATION", INFORMATION} }; // 解析带单位的内存配置 static size_t read_memory_with_mul(const char *memory_string) { // 解析数字部分 size_t num = parse_int(memory_string); int mul = 1; // 指针指向单位 while (isdigit(*memory_string)) memory_string++; // 通过单位获得乘系数 if (STREQ(memory_string, "kb", 2)) mul = 1024; else if (STREQ(memory_string, "mb", 2)) mul = 1024 * 1024; else if (STREQ(memory_string, "gb", 2)) mul = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; return num * mul; } // 解析带单位的时间配置(默认秒) static size_t read_time_with_mul(const char *time_string) { size_t num = parse_int(time_string); int mul = 1; while (isdigit(*time_string)) time_string++; switch (*time_string) { case 'm': mul = 60; break; case 'd': mul = 60 * 60 * 24; break; default: mul = 1; break; } return num * mul; } // 将内存数字转为人类易读的字符串 例如 1024 => 1Kb char *memory_to_string(size_t memory) { int numlen = 0; int translated_memory = 0; char *mstring = NULL; if (memory < 1024) { translated_memory = memory; numlen = number_len(translated_memory); // 数字 + 'b' mstring = malloc(numlen + 1); snprintf(mstring, numlen + 1, "%db", translated_memory); } else if (memory < 1048576) { translated_memory = memory / 1024; numlen = number_len(translated_memory); // + "Kb" mstring = malloc(numlen + 2); snprintf(mstring, numlen + 2, "%dKb", translated_memory); } else if (memory < 1073741824) { translated_memory = memory / (1024 * 1024); numlen = number_len(translated_memory); // + "Mb" mstring = malloc(numlen + 2); snprintf(mstring, numlen + 2, "%dMb", translated_memory); } else { translated_memory = memory / (1024 * 1024 * 1024); numlen = number_len(translated_memory); // + "Gb" mstring = malloc(numlen + 2); snprintf(mstring, numlen + 2, "%dGb", translated_memory); } return mstring; } // 将时间数字转为人类易读的字符串 char *time_to_string(size_t time) { int numlen = 0; int translated_time = 0; char *tstring = NULL; if (time < 60) { translated_time = time; numlen = number_len(translated_time); tstring = malloc(numlen + 1); snprintf(tstring, numlen + 1, "%ds", translated_time); } else if (time < 60 * 60) { translated_time = time / 60; numlen = number_len(translated_time); tstring = malloc(numlen + 1); snprintf(tstring, numlen + 1, "%dm", translated_time); } else if (time < 60 * 60 * 24) { translated_time = time / (60 * 60); numlen = number_len(translated_time); tstring = malloc(numlen + 1); snprintf(tstring, numlen + 1, "%dh", translated_time); } else { translated_time = time / (60 * 60 * 24); numlen = number_len(translated_time); tstring = malloc(numlen + 1); snprintf(tstring, numlen + 1, "%dd", translated_time); } return tstring; } // 基于读取的 kv, 向配置对象赋值 static void add_config_value(const char *key, const char *value) { size_t klen = strlen(key); size_t vlen = strlen(value); if (STREQ("log_level", key, klen) == true) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (STREQ(lmap[i].lname, value, vlen) == true) config.loglevel = lmap[i].loglevel; } } else if (STREQ("log_path", key, klen) == true) { strcpy(config.logpath, value); } else if (STREQ("unix_socket", key, klen) == true) { config.socket_family = UNIX; strcpy(config.hostname, value); } else if (STREQ("ip_address", key, klen) == true) { config.socket_family = INET; strcpy(config.hostname, value); } else if (STREQ("ip_port", key, klen) == true) { strcpy(config.port, value); } else if (STREQ("max_memory", key, klen) == true) { config.max_memory = read_memory_with_mul(value); } else if (STREQ("max_request_size", key, klen) == true) { config.max_request_size = read_memory_with_mul(value); } else if (STREQ("tcp_backlog", key, klen) == true) { int tcp_backlog = parse_int(value); config.tcp_backlog = tcp_backlog <= SOMAXCONN ? tcp_backlog : SOMAXCONN; } else if (STREQ("stats_publish_interval", key, klen) == true) { config.stats_pub_interval = read_time_with_mul(value); } } // 去空格 static inline void strip_spaces(char **str) { if (!*str) return; while (isspace(**str) && **str) ++(*str); } static inline void unpack_bytes(char **str, char *dest) { if (!str || !dest) return; while (!isspace(**str) && **str) *dest++ = *(*str)++; } // 读取配置 int config_load(const char *configpath) { assert(configpath); FILE *fh = fopen(configpath, "r"); if (!fh) { sol_warning("WARNING: Unable to open conf file %s", configpath); sol_warning("To specify a config file run sol -c /path/to/conf"); return false; } char line[0xff], key[0xff], value[0xff]; int linenr = 0; char *pline, *pkey, *pval; while (fgets(line, 0xff, fh) != NULL) { memset(key, 0x00, 0xff); memset(value, 0x00, 0xff); linenr++; // 跳过注解 if (line[0] == '#') continue; // 删除key前的空格 pline = line; strip_spaces(&pline); if (*pline == '\0') continue; // key pkey = key; unpack_bytes(&pline, pkey); // 删除 key 后空格 strip_spaces(&pline); // 忽略错误的配置格式并提示 if (line[0] == '\0') { sol_warning("WARNING: Incomplete configuration '%s' at line %d. " "Fallback to default.", key, linenr); continue; } // 获得值 pval = value; unpack_bytes(&pline, pval); // 赋值 add_config_value(key, value); } return true; } // 设置默认参数 void config_set_default(void) { // 全局配置对象指针 conf = &config; // 默认赋值 config.version = VERSION; config.socket_family = DEFAULT_SOCKET_FAMILY; config.loglevel = DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL; strcpy(config.logpath, DEFAULT_LOG_PATH); strcpy(config.hostname, DEFAULT_HOSTNAME); strcpy(config.port, DEFAULT_PORT); config.epoll_timeout = -1; config.run = eventfd(0, EFD_NONBLOCK); config.max_memory = read_memory_with_mul(DEFAULT_MAX_MEMORY); config.max_request_size = read_memory_with_mul(DEFAULT_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE); config.tcp_backlog = SOMAXCONN; config.stats_pub_interval = read_time_with_mul(DEFAULT_STATS_INTERVAL); } // 配置输出 void config_print(void) { if (config.loglevel < WARNING) { const char *sfamily = config.socket_family == UNIX ? "Unix" : "Tcp"; const char *llevel = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (lmap[i].loglevel == config.loglevel) llevel = lmap[i].lname; } sol_info("Sol v%s is starting", VERSION); sol_info("Network settings:"); sol_info("\tSocket family: %s", sfamily); if (config.socket_family == UNIX) { sol_info("\tUnix socket: %s", config.hostname); } else { sol_info("\tAddress: %s", config.hostname); sol_info("\tPort: %s", config.port); sol_info("\tTcp backlog: %d", config.tcp_backlog); } const char *human_rsize = memory_to_string(config.max_request_size); sol_info("\tMax request size: %s", human_rsize); sol_info("Logging:"); sol_info("\tlevel: %s", llevel); sol_info("\tlogpath: %s", config.logpath); const char *human_memory = memory_to_string(config.max_memory); sol_info("Max memory: %s", human_memory); free((char *) human_memory); free((char *) human_rsize); } }


最后的最后,main 函数:

#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 2 #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "util.h" #include "config.h" #include "server.h" int main (int argc, char **argv) { char *addr = DEFAULT_HOSTNAME; char *port = DEFAULT_PORT; char *confpath = DEFAULT_CONF_PATH; int debug = 0; int opt; // 使用默认值赋值 config_set_default(); // 处理运行参数 while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "a:c:p:m:vn:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'a': addr = optarg; strcpy(conf->hostname, addr); break; case 'c': confpath = optarg; break; case 'p': port = optarg; strcpy(conf->port, port); break; case 'v': debug = 1; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-a addr] [-p port] [-c conf] [-v]\n", argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } // 通过参数设置 debug 等级 conf->loglevel = debug == 1 ? DEBUG : WARNING; // 读配置 config_load(confpath); sol_log_init(conf->logpath); // 打印配置 config_print(); // 运行服务 start_server(conf->hostname, conf->port); sol_log_close(); return 0; }


我们的 sol 项目运行的所有所需内容都完成了:

 ├── src/
 │    ├── mqtt.h
 │    ├── mqtt.c
 │    ├── network.h
 │    ├── network.c
 │    ├── list.h
 │    ├── list.c
 │    ├── hashtable.h
 │    ├── hashtable.c
 │    ├── server.h
 │    ├── server.c
 │    ├── trie.h
 │    ├── trie.c
 │    ├── util.h
 │    ├── util.c
 │    ├── core.h
 │    ├── core.c
 │    ├── config.h
 │    ├── config.c
 │    ├── pack.h
 │    ├── pack.c
 │    └── sol.c
 ├── conf
 │    └── sol.conf
 ├── CMakeLists.txt
 └── README.md

sol 项目的代码量并不算大,一般这种情况下我会编写 Makefile 用来控制编译。但是这一次,就像上方文件结构中描述的那样,我打算使用 CMakeLists.txt 来控制项目的构建:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)


OPTION(DEBUG "add debug flags" OFF)

if (DEBUG)
    message(STATUS "Configuring build for debug")
    set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Wall -Wunused -Werror -std=c11 -O3 -pedantic -luuid -ggdb -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=undefined -fno-omit-frame-pointer -pg")
else (DEBUG)
    message(STATUS "Configuring build for production")
    set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Wall -Wunused -Werror -Wextra -std=c11 -O3 -pedantic -luuid")
endif (DEBUG)


file(GLOB SOURCES src/*.c)

set(AUTHOR "Andrea Giacomo Baldan")
set(LICENSE "BSD2 license")

# Executable
add_executable(sol ${SOURCES})

唯一值得注意的就是我添加了 DEBUG 参数,这会产生一个带有监测内存泄漏参数版本的 Makefile

所以接下来只需要生成 Makefile

$ cmake -DDEBUG=1 .


$ make

编译后得到名为 sol 的可执行程序,我们可以运行他来启动我们的 broker,程序支持我们上面编写的那些参数。

我们通过 -v (verbose) 参数启动程序,这样可以看到 debug 级别的日志信息。

$ sol -v


好了,到此为止就是这么多内容,现在我们的代码也许有很多bug,有内存泄露问题,有很多需要修复或者重构的代码,但是软件的框架就是这样子了。第七部分很快就会编写完成,我打算用 paho-mqtt 进行一些测试。接下来你可以看看特别篇,在那里我们会为 sol 添加多线程支持。

[翻译]Sol - 从零开始的MQTT broker - 第六部分:处理器