#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/eventfd.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "network.h"
static struct config config;
struct config *conf;
struct llevel {
const char *lname;
int loglevel;
static const struct llevel lmap[5] = {
static size_t read_memory_with_mul(const char *memory_string) {
size_t num = parse_int(memory_string);
int mul = 1;
while (isdigit(*memory_string)) memory_string++;
if (STREQ(memory_string, "kb", 2))
mul = 1024;
else if (STREQ(memory_string, "mb", 2))
mul = 1024 * 1024;
else if (STREQ(memory_string, "gb", 2))
mul = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
return num * mul;
static size_t read_time_with_mul(const char *time_string) {
size_t num = parse_int(time_string);
int mul = 1;
while (isdigit(*time_string)) time_string++;
switch (*time_string) {
case 'm':
mul = 60;
case 'd':
mul = 60 * 60 * 24;
mul = 1;
return num * mul;
char *memory_to_string(size_t memory) {
int numlen = 0;
int translated_memory = 0;
char *mstring = NULL;
if (memory < 1024) {
translated_memory = memory;
numlen = number_len(translated_memory);
mstring = malloc(numlen + 1);
snprintf(mstring, numlen + 1, "%db", translated_memory);
} else if (memory < 1048576) {
translated_memory = memory / 1024;
numlen = number_len(translated_memory);
mstring = malloc(numlen + 2);
snprintf(mstring, numlen + 2, "%dKb", translated_memory);
} else if (memory < 1073741824) {
translated_memory = memory / (1024 * 1024);
numlen = number_len(translated_memory);
mstring = malloc(numlen + 2);
snprintf(mstring, numlen + 2, "%dMb", translated_memory);
} else {
translated_memory = memory / (1024 * 1024 * 1024);
numlen = number_len(translated_memory);
mstring = malloc(numlen + 2);
snprintf(mstring, numlen + 2, "%dGb", translated_memory);
return mstring;
char *time_to_string(size_t time) {
int numlen = 0;
int translated_time = 0;
char *tstring = NULL;
if (time < 60) {
translated_time = time;
numlen = number_len(translated_time);
tstring = malloc(numlen + 1);
snprintf(tstring, numlen + 1, "%ds", translated_time);
} else if (time < 60 * 60) {
translated_time = time / 60;
numlen = number_len(translated_time);
tstring = malloc(numlen + 1);
snprintf(tstring, numlen + 1, "%dm", translated_time);
} else if (time < 60 * 60 * 24) {
translated_time = time / (60 * 60);
numlen = number_len(translated_time);
tstring = malloc(numlen + 1);
snprintf(tstring, numlen + 1, "%dh", translated_time);
} else {
translated_time = time / (60 * 60 * 24);
numlen = number_len(translated_time);
tstring = malloc(numlen + 1);
snprintf(tstring, numlen + 1, "%dd", translated_time);
return tstring;
static void add_config_value(const char *key, const char *value) {
size_t klen = strlen(key);
size_t vlen = strlen(value);
if (STREQ("log_level", key, klen) == true) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (STREQ(lmap[i].lname, value, vlen) == true)
config.loglevel = lmap[i].loglevel;
} else if (STREQ("log_path", key, klen) == true) {
strcpy(config.logpath, value);
} else if (STREQ("unix_socket", key, klen) == true) {
config.socket_family = UNIX;
strcpy(config.hostname, value);
} else if (STREQ("ip_address", key, klen) == true) {
config.socket_family = INET;
strcpy(config.hostname, value);
} else if (STREQ("ip_port", key, klen) == true) {
strcpy(config.port, value);
} else if (STREQ("max_memory", key, klen) == true) {
config.max_memory = read_memory_with_mul(value);
} else if (STREQ("max_request_size", key, klen) == true) {
config.max_request_size = read_memory_with_mul(value);
} else if (STREQ("tcp_backlog", key, klen) == true) {
int tcp_backlog = parse_int(value);
config.tcp_backlog = tcp_backlog <= SOMAXCONN ? tcp_backlog : SOMAXCONN;
} else if (STREQ("stats_publish_interval", key, klen) == true) {
config.stats_pub_interval = read_time_with_mul(value);
static inline void strip_spaces(char **str) {
if (!*str) return;
while (isspace(**str) && **str) ++(*str);
static inline void unpack_bytes(char **str, char *dest) {
if (!str || !dest) return;
while (!isspace(**str) && **str) *dest++ = *(*str)++;
int config_load(const char *configpath) {
FILE *fh = fopen(configpath, "r");
if (!fh) {
sol_warning("WARNING: Unable to open conf file %s", configpath);
sol_warning("To specify a config file run sol -c /path/to/conf");
return false;
char line[0xff], key[0xff], value[0xff];
int linenr = 0;
char *pline, *pkey, *pval;
while (fgets(line, 0xff, fh) != NULL) {
memset(key, 0x00, 0xff);
memset(value, 0x00, 0xff);
if (line[0] == '#') continue;
pline = line;
if (*pline == '\0') continue;
pkey = key;
unpack_bytes(&pline, pkey);
if (line[0] == '\0') {
sol_warning("WARNING: Incomplete configuration '%s' at line %d. "
"Fallback to default.", key, linenr);
pval = value;
unpack_bytes(&pline, pval);
add_config_value(key, value);
return true;
void config_set_default(void) {
conf = &config;
config.version = VERSION;
config.socket_family = DEFAULT_SOCKET_FAMILY;
config.loglevel = DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL;
strcpy(config.logpath, DEFAULT_LOG_PATH);
strcpy(config.hostname, DEFAULT_HOSTNAME);
strcpy(config.port, DEFAULT_PORT);
config.epoll_timeout = -1; = eventfd(0, EFD_NONBLOCK);
config.max_memory = read_memory_with_mul(DEFAULT_MAX_MEMORY);
config.max_request_size = read_memory_with_mul(DEFAULT_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE);
config.tcp_backlog = SOMAXCONN;
config.stats_pub_interval = read_time_with_mul(DEFAULT_STATS_INTERVAL);
void config_print(void) {
if (config.loglevel < WARNING) {
const char *sfamily = config.socket_family == UNIX ? "Unix" : "Tcp";
const char *llevel = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (lmap[i].loglevel == config.loglevel)
llevel = lmap[i].lname;
sol_info("Sol v%s is starting", VERSION);
sol_info("Network settings:");
sol_info("\tSocket family: %s", sfamily);
if (config.socket_family == UNIX) {
sol_info("\tUnix socket: %s", config.hostname);
} else {
sol_info("\tAddress: %s", config.hostname);
sol_info("\tPort: %s", config.port);
sol_info("\tTcp backlog: %d", config.tcp_backlog);
const char *human_rsize = memory_to_string(config.max_request_size);
sol_info("\tMax request size: %s", human_rsize);
sol_info("\tlevel: %s", llevel);
sol_info("\tlogpath: %s", config.logpath);
const char *human_memory = memory_to_string(config.max_memory);
sol_info("Max memory: %s", human_memory);
free((char *) human_memory);
free((char *) human_rsize);